Some things are mere illusions.
Is there a way of knowing why certain thoughts dominate others? What defines us? Our thoughts or our actions? And what hurts more - knowing that the dreams you had were never meant to be fulfilled, or not even knowing if those dreams you had was a way to counter your actions in reality? If it is the latter, than aren't those dreams worthless, since those dreams were not proper dreams (where there are no limits), but merely a desired twist of reality? And if you do not know if these fantasies are dreams or otherwise, then should they matter? Assuming that it should not matter, since they are not proper dreams, then why do they hurt so much? And really, should they hurt? Are these unachievable fantasies allowed to hurt us in this harsh and cynical world? Why can we not have control over our emotions? posted by ellie at 2/13/2008 09:23:00 pm
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