what happens if you are faced with a life changing moment. do you panic? or do you stay calm? would you need time to think? or do you already know the answer in a split second? are you able to allow yourself a change of life? or are you happy with the one you are leading? what if you walk into a total disaster? what then?
"it's my life." is it ever? can u safely say that you are able to detatch yourself from the entire world, just so that the life you own is completely yours. are you able to forget the past entirely? erase all the contacts you have ever made? move to another continent, turn back time and be completely, emotionally separated from the rest of the world? erase your identity? and create an entirely new one. not one that you steal, but one that you thought of. not even one that you are inspired by. just one that you thought of on your own. you can't. it would be highly improbable to the extent of it being impossible. even if you succeed, you cannot live a hermit. because the moment you interact with someone, or something that is living, you are part of their lives, and they are part of yours. and so it would not be your life. but the life you lead, infused with everyone else's. so you don't own your life. no one does. because you do not give yourself life. even if you can choose to end the life you are given. posted by ellie at 8/01/2006 12:05:00 am
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